Chimney Sweep Wedding Tradition

Did you know it is tradition for Chimney Sweep’s to attend weddings to bestow Luck upon the newlyweds

Tradition has it that 200 years ago, a chimney sweep saved the life of King George II by stopping his runaway horse and carriage. The king issued a Royal Decree that Chimney Sweeps are bringers of luck and should be treated with the greatest of respect. So started the tradition and because sweeps are lucky, couples would arrange to meet the sweep at their wedding. Today, seeing a chimney sweep on your wedding day is still a lucky omen and many couples choose to have them attend their wedding for handshake for the groom and a lucky kiss for the bride.

​An extra special touch for a special day

​Meet & Greet Package – From £130

​Our package includes a 2-hour appearance for photo opportunities and mingling with guests and a beautiful glass chimney sweep’s ‘Lucky Charm’ keepsake for the happy couple, this is not just any soot this has been taken from That amazing place fire itself to make it that extra bit special.

​This could include greeting guests at the ceremony venue, handing out orders of service and confetti and photo opportunities before and after the ceremony for the bride & groom and guests. And of course, a lucky kiss for the bride’s and handshakes for the groom

Wedding Chimney Sweep Blessing the Couple Chimney Sweep Performance